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Monday, March 3, 2014

Having a Sibling with Autism

Siblings of children with autism face unique challenges, which may cause additional anxiety and concern to parents. Your typically developing child may wonder why his brother or sister won't play with him, or why mom and dad are spending all their time focused on therapy and treatment. Here are some ways you can ease the stress on your child with autism’s siblings:
    •    Have frequent conversations with your typically developing children about autism, explaining how it affects the child and why the child behaves the way he does.
    •    Include typically developing children in visits to the doctor and other professionals (including early intervention therapy).
    •    Acknowledge that the child may feel like an outsider, and these negative feelings are normal.
    •    Introduce your child to other siblings of children with autism (at Sport-Social events!), so they realize they aren't alone.
The good news is (and we probably don't even need to tell you this), that siblings of children with autism tend to be more caring and compassionate than an average child. The challenges they face build character and strength- and another advocate for autism.